Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ike cleanup

Galveston is not a happy place to be right now. Hurricane Ike left it even more ravaged than predicted. What were once buildings, restaurants and homes now lay as piles of sticks and rubble-- and it all happened overnight. I was reminded of what an incredibly powerful and dangerous entity the weather is as I stood amongst the debris, listening to the stories of those brave enough to stay behind and face the storm.


Unknown said...

Sad subject... but those pictures are amazing.

Grey Areas said...

Where was #4 taken.
Did you go anywhere west of 61st?

Unknown said...

I've got to mimic what Jack wrote. Many friends and family were affected by this hurricane, and the hard work is yet to come.

I've seen your work at a Secret Photo Show in east Austin this summer, are you planning on exhibiting your photographs elsewhere? Great vantage points on wildly varying subjects.

Courtney Dudley said...

monica- yes, id love to do a show... suggestions on supporting venues are welcome!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure the legwork involved with securing an exhibition site, but I've seen photo shows here

1906 Studios
301 Chicon, suite i


Austin Figurative Gallery
315 N. Congress

Best of luck, hope to see your work appraised soon!